IBM, Transform & Lasernet

Insurance and Bankings & Financials Sectors


  1. Many insurance companies use IBM AS400 output and using Transform or Lasernet to digitize Insurance documents such as Renewal notice, Workmen Compensation, insurance schedules.
  2. Transform is the perfect tool to match IBM AS400 application with seamless controls to cluster printing, document compositions, printer trays controls, outsource printing, and complete automation to Envelope Insertion automation
  3. Using Transform or Lasernet is able to provide advance document compositions, meta data extraction, formats exchanges and connections to multiple disparate back end systems and documents communications via emails effectively
  4. Using IBM Case Manager, it is the perfect solutions for complex Claims processing where documents checklists are compiled digitally, and routing for each levels of claims approval with clear views of documents within case files. Routing till payment approval and at end of process, storage of digitized documents are retrievable from IBM filenet anywhere anytime on demand
  5. NexG also offers complete end to end envelope insertion automation for companies that have high volumes of envelopes insertion to be automated then manual insertions which takes forever to complete.