The ubiquity of SATS BRF in today’s world is no coincidence. Responsible for the supply of meat proteins to Singapore across multiple supply channels, SATS BRF has come a long way. Not necessarily just in ways of humble beginnings, but as importantly, logistically.

Gone are the days that involved manual handling of documents, receipts, and purchase orders that piled up to over 70 trucks managing 600 deliveries a day.

“We got rid of our dot matrix printers immediately after the change and entered the 21st century,” Kelvin Ng, Director at SATS BRF Food expressed in endearingly animated fashion.

The aforementioned change was the implementation of the FleetnexG, a cloud-based logistics solution that equips businesses with real-time data for tracking delivery. This is coupled with automated scheduling, to deliver enhanced productivity resulting in greater profitability.

“Before FleetnexG, we had containers of documents stored in multiple containers in our yard and retrieval of documentation was tedious and slow, so this came in very timely,” Ng explained.

“Our transport has had the greatest impact since FleetnexG’s implementation because it saves multiple trips and the mistakes of unsigned purchase orders, and brings improved visibility of delivery operations. The other real benefit we’ve had is our gain in productivity. When fully implemented, we are looking at 2 full-time equivalent reduction which translates to 2 x 8hrs x 26 days (6 day week) per month. Staff that were involved in tedious documentation before are now able to help more efficiently in transport management and delivery.”

Such is the influence of FleetnexG, forcing the change from the tradition of dot matrix printers, to the efficiency of this cloud-based logistics solution. Mr. Ng expressed great joy at forcing the change, and insisted well on keeping up with today’s times.

“Tools like FleetnexG force the issue with the problems and challenges we face in the food sector. The lack of manpower was becoming hard to deal with, and FleetnexG reminded us just how important it was to keep up, and be faster and more agile by eliminating manual tracking and tracing with real-time monitoring. It solved one very big puzzle for us.”

Mr. Vincent Low, Director & General Manager of Business Imaging Solutions, Canon™ Singapore, also stressed on the importance of optimising resources for greater efficiency and productivity.

“FleetnexG combines Canon™’s know-how in document imaging technology with a robust cloud-based software to address the challenges faced by these businesses in tracking and managing resources, enabling them to harness the benefits of real-time data without the daunting costs of implementation.”

Canon™ announced the FleetnexG in May 2016 targeted at companies in the logistics and transportation sectors by offering them the necessary change that harnesses efficiency and boosts productivity. Mr. Kelvin Ng had promising words.

“Going digital turned out to be for the better. FleetnexG works and we will work together to make it even better incorporating more features to make us more competitive in the market place”.

FleetnexG is developed in conjunction with TPS Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. and exclusively distributed by Canon™ Singapore.

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